If you are reading this, chances are you know the value of protecting your home and this likely starts with the literal roof over your head and preventing its future damage. If you are looking for a way to help protect your home, a roof coating might be the perfect solution for you. 

Common roof problems

Roof coatings

Water leaks not only indicate that your roof has been damaged, it also causes sanitary and safety issues in your home. A damaged roof can lead to mold and a toxic living environment which in turn can cause health problems, accidents and other unwanted issues. 

Having cracks in your roof could cause serious long term damage to your structure and this only gets worse the longer it’s left unattended. If you are already in need of repairs, these will likely need to be addressed prior to applying a protective roof coating. Please call as soon as possible so an expert can help you assess your situation. If we find any repairs are needed, we can help get these completed so that we can next apply our special roof coating to ensure your roof will be able to withstand the rain, sun and other harsh weather for an increased duration of time.

How does it work?

A correctly installed coating will not only solve some roof leaks, but will prevent future issues from happening. How? A coating creates a seamless, waterproof membrane that stops leaks and resists pounding water. This surface is also reflective, keeping your roof cool, against UV rays from the sun, maintaining a nice, stable temperature. Reach out and let us know if you’re interested in learning more about how a roof coating could help you and we will be happy to provide a free estimate.